version control

Check out your GitHub pull request with an interactive shell menu

When I want to check out a GitHub pull request of my colleagues on my local machine, I usually have to open my browser, go to the pull request page on GitHub, copy the branch name, do a git fetch in my terminal, followed by a git checkout, pasting the branch name. Annoyed by this context switch between terminal and browser and all that mouse movement, I devised a way to select the pull request from a list in the terminal, with a checkout when I hit Enter:

Working with PHP dependencies in multiple repositories

Imagine yourself working on a PHP code base distributed between two or more Git repositories, for example a library and an application part. Ideally, the two repositories should be independent, but sometimes that lofty goal can’t be achieved. And having two repositories open in your editor and doing git commit, git push, composer update all the time becomes tedious. This article shows how to work faster with two dependent PHP code bases.